Monday, October 6, 2014

What learn about Respiratory Rate?

I learn how calculated respiratory rate.I how check a patient respiratory rate.I the normal respiratory rate is 12 to 18 beathing per minute. I learn how to read a respiratory rate chart.I learn how to take a respiratory rate. I learn it is important to note weather a patient has any difficulty breathing. I learn how measure respiratory rates. I learn  how control the breathing rate.I learn respiratory rate have no synonyms. This what I learn about respiratory rate.

How  to take somebody respiratory rate

What learn about Vital Signs ?

What learn about vital signs?   I learn  that vital signs are important  indicator of health state of the body. I  learn the four main four vital are temperatrue , blood pressure pluse respiration.I learn how take blood pressure. I learn  how take temperature. I learn how take respiration rate. I learn how take a pulse .I learn vital signs are important because  provide information about the patient condition. I learn that  the normal ranges for person vital signs vary with age weight gender. I learn how to read the vital signs chart. This what I earn about vital signs
How take somebody pluse.

Friday, October 3, 2014


What I learn about pulse? Pulse is the number of time your heart beat per minutes. I learn that the best place to find a patient pulse are the wriste, inside of your elbow and side of your neck and top  of the feet. I learn how to take a pulse. I learn why pulse is so important. I learn another vital signs is the apical pluse. I learn that  apical pluse is pluse count taken with stethscope at the apex of the heart.I learn what the word pluse deficit mean. Pluse deficit mean a condition  that occur with some heart condition. I learn what BPM mean. Thiswhat learn about pulse. 

 What  I learn about temperature?

What I learn about temperature  can measured in the mouth and rectum, axillary or ear. I learn what the normal range for body  temperature is. I learn why is temperature is so important. I learn how to use  a electronic digital thermometer. I learn how to use a tympanic thermometer. I learn how to  use a plastic disposable thermometer. I learn  how to take a patient temperature. I learn that body temperature is usually  lower in the morning and after the body rested. I learn that  body temperature is higher in the evening after muscular activity. This what I learn about temperature.
Electronic digital thermometers

How to  take temperature in the ear

 Plastic  Disposable Thermometers

What learn about blood pressure ?

What learn about blood pressure is blood pressure has signs or symptom. Another thing I learn about blood pressure how take a blood pressure. I learn what the top and bottom blood pressure number mean. I learn that blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart failure attack stroke, heat failure and kidney failure. I learn how to know when you blood pressure is low. I learn how to know when you blood pressure is high. I learn why blood pressure is so important. I  learn how to control your blood pressure. I  learn the10 common cause of blood pressure .One common  cause of blood pressure is one is poor diet smoke and drink. This what learn about blood pressure.
How to take a blood pressure
Food that help reduce blood pressure
Blood pressure cuff



                      Respiratory Rate

 Respiratory  Rate chart

Respiratory rate is important to a patient has any difficulty breathing. How to take somebody respiratory rate. First you have to ask the patient consent before touching them to check the breathing rate. Next choose a spot to check breathing rate that has good light and a clock with a second hand nearby. Then ask the patient to seat keeping the head neck and spine in one alignment. Next check for indication that the patient is already having trouble breathing. Then place the palm of  1 hand on the top of the patient chest just below the collarbone. Next wait until the second hand on the hand on the clock is at the 6 or12 marker.Then  you have to is count how many time a patient breathes in causing their chest to expand. Next  stop counting after the second hand arrive at the 1 minutes mark. Last thing check for following reason can account for faster or slower breathing.
stop watch

Thursday, October 2, 2014


Pluse is very important to healthy body because it controls how fast your heart and brain recevie oxygen to much could lead to hypervation.The first thing you when take somebody pluse is you find a quiet place to sit and relex. Next you find the pluse place the tips of your index second and third finger on your wrist below your thumb at base of your hand. Then press lightly and feel carefully for the pluse.Next when you found the pluse use a stop watch count the number of the beat you feel for 15 second.Muitiply the number of beat your counted by 4. A normal pluse rate is 60 to 100 beat per  minutes. Another pluse is apical pluse. The apical is taken with a stethoscope at the apex of the heart. This why pluse is very imporant.
Radial Artery
Stop Watch
this how take a pluse.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014



Electronic digtal thermometer

Temperature is an important vital sign because the bodies temperature is supposed to always remain at 97.8°. When the body deviates from that tempeature, it lets you know that something is wrong and helps you determine what might be wrong with the patient. 

 The first thing you do when you take somebody temperature is you wash hands and put on gloves. The second thing you do when take somebody temperature is introduce yourself and identify the patient and explain the procedure. The next thing you do when you take somebody temperature is position the patient comfortably. After that you have to read the thermometer to be sure it read 96. or lower. Then place the plastic sheath on the thermometer. Next insert the bulb under the patient tongue toward the side of the mouth. Then you ask the patient to hold it in place with the lips and caution against biting it. Next leave the thermometer in place for 3-5 minutes. The last thing you have to do is remove the thermometer and record  the reading on the notepaper.
How take somebody temperatrue
Plastic Disosable Thermometer

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

                  Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is important because the higher you blood pressure is the higher you risk of the health problem in the future. The first thing you do when you take somebody blood pressure is use disinfectant wipe paper and wash you hands. Then you have to introduce yourself and identify the patient and explain the procedure. Next you have to roll up patient sleeve to approximately 5 inch above the elbow. Then you have to position the arm so that it is support comfortable and close to the level of the heart.Next wrap the deflect cuff around the upper arm 1 to 2 inches above the elbow Then keep you fingers on the redial pulse Next the cuff completely and ask the patient to raise the arm and flex the fingers to promote blood flow. Then record the time. Next remove the cuff and check patient for safety and comfort before leaving. The last thing you have to do is wash you hand.
Blood pressure chart

Blood Pressure  Cuff
How to take a blood pressure

Monday, September 22, 2014

Vital Signs

Vital Signs determination that provide information about body condition. The four  type  are vital signs are temperature, pulse, respiration and blood pressure. Vital signs are important indicators of the heath of the body. The normal ranges for a person vital signs vary with age weight gender. My temperature is 98.8.My pulse is 65. My blood pressure is 65/12o. My respiration is 16.Vital signs can help you notice problems early. Vital  signs play good part in life.

vital signs

Vital Signs Monitor

How  to take pulse